Referral Marketing for Law Firms Leverages Your Time for More Lawyering

Referral Marketing for LawyersWhat would your practice be like if you got just one more client referral per month?  How about one more per week?

One of the easiest ways to get more new clients, is to develop a network of people that can refer you business.  Depending on the type of law you practice, they could be different types of professionals that already have a relationship with the clients that you need.  Let’s face it, they are probably referring some of their clients to other attorneys as well, because they have no allegiance to anyone.  That allegiance doesn’t just come from finder’s fees or referral commissions.

You can’t grow your network, and get more referrals from them, without first nurturing those relationships and building a bond of trust.  This process takes time but it’s well worth it.  Once you actually connect with them, they’ll feel good about referring their clients to you because they know you appreciate them – it’s not about the money.  They’ll refer more cases to you instead of others for that reason alone!

Our automated Referral Marketing Program makes it easy to keep in front of your network, and get more referrals than any other lawyers they know.


If you’re ready to grow your practice through referral marketing, then contact us today!

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