Early Case Assessment for eDiscovery

Early Case Assessment for Electronic Discovery by CopyScan TechnologiesWe understand Early Case Assessment.

By using data analytics, we can quickly help you uncover and analyze important information about the data in your case.  It’s important to know what you’ve got from custodians, such as date ranges, file formats and data volume, so you can inspect for key concepts.

Our process of defensibly eliminating non-relevant data, can reduce the volume of electronic data for you, which dramatically improves your approach to data reduction.  This supports a more effective early case assessment because it simplifies a downstream review.  Not only does it help gauge the size and scope of your case, but it allows you to predict cost estimates in advance for your client.   Our system also gives you vital insight into your case, which allows you to analyze risks and formulate your team’s strategy.

Engage the eDiscovery Experts – Call CopyScan Technologies when you need help with Electronic Discovery.

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